Thursday, June 17, 2010

What's that song that says "Time goes by so slowly?" lies.

It's 2010. I last updated this blog over 2 years life is flying by! Since 2008, I've traded in my sparkly stilettos for two sparkly rings and a pair of flip flops. Life as a stay at home wife/puppy mom is a LOT different than life as a college student, but I couldn't ask for anything more. I am so blessed.

I'm thinking of taking up blogging again as I find it's quite cathartic and I'd love to start journaling a bit. So we'll see...who knows where my flip flops will take me on this one ;-)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Um, April?

Seriously, how can it be April already? Where has the last year in my life gone? Graduation is less than 6 weeks away, and I think those 6 weeks are going to FLY by!

Well, an update: I'm back home in Dallas, and alternate between missing DC and loving being home. It's been a challenge to (halfway) move back in with my mom and dad; I'm not home often at all, but it's still bizarre to not have my own place anymore. I miss my DC fam so, so much, but it's good to be back with old friends at home. This semester has been academically a breeze, my easiest semester yet, and I'm only working a few hours a week. I've had so much time to get things done and enjoy time with good friends before college is over. It's been nice, but a little bit weird not having a really strict routine.

I've had a lot of fun times this Spring, and I'll post some pictures soon...when I find time in my busy social schedule ;-)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh no...

it's been quite a while since I've blogged...School and work have kept me more than a little bit busy! I promise to try and get some pictures up here soon!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Big Week...

So I've had quite a few interesting experiences this week - thought I'd share a bit about them...

On Tuesday, I had the chance to go down to the Object Conservation Lab in the basement of the museum. That is where objects are brought before they're put on display to be cleaned or repaired or anything. The lab is SO interesting, and the ladies that work in there are wonderful. They showed me and another intern all around the lab and showed up what they're working on right now. They have so many tools in the lab for conservation - all kinds of interesting potions and stuff! They were working mainly on projects for a new exhibit opening in '09 called On The Water - it's a new maritime exhibit. They were working on several model ships that were really cool. They were also working on this big wooden trunk that was off of a ship - it was so gorgeous! They were also working on a couple of things for the new 'artifact walls' that are going to be up when the museum opens. They were working on some mouse traps for an artifact wall and also were working on some artifacts from the first ladies collection. There was some beautiful silverware that was one of the first ladies' (I don't know whose) and also this amazing silver castle thing that held perfume. I'd definitely never seen anything like it!

On Wednesday, I went with the interns on a tour of the Archives Center at the museum. I'd never been there before, and it was really interesting. The museum has a huge collection of archives, but many of them are specialized - like the Duke Ellington collection and a collection of CCC Records from the Depression era. Many of the interns will use the archives for research on their specific project. I wish I had something to work on in there! It was really interesting.

After I left work on Wednesday, I was walking to Barnes and Noble and the president's motorcade drove by on the way to the capitol building. That was a pretty exciting moment, I'm not gonna lie ;-)

Today we had a briefing (ie -class) at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is the office building next to the White House where the VP works. In case you were wondering, Dick Cheney's office is #246, haha. We actually went to a conference room and were briefed by a former advisor to the President who worked with Bush on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that failed in June. It was very interesting, and I'm not gonna lie, the building was pretty great. I was excited to be in there ;-)

So that was my week...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Things I've learned since I came to Washington...

A random list of things I've come to realize since I've arrived in this wonderful city:

1. how to spell thesaurus
2. Oprah's book club has some excellent selections.
3. Martha Washington was not that great looking, but she was extremely interesting. Random fact - she buried two husbands and four children in her lifetime.
4. Learning to be independent is exhilirating - and kind of fun.
5. Buffets that have Chinese food and pasta next to each other are not good.
6. The Toasted Marshmallow Mocha at Starbucks IS good.
7. Having a Barnes and Noble within blocks of your work causes one to spend money involuntarily.
8. The metro is convenient and inconvenient at the same time.
9. Walking a mile is not at all far. Walking 9 miles is far.
10. The zoo is not that great. Mount Vernon is pretty great though.

more to come....

Monday, October 15, 2007

Snip snip

So I've received several requests for pics of the new haircut...sorry these pictures are terrible, but they're a fairly decent representation of the cut ;-)

Thoughts (and pizza) warmed over...

As I sit eating a leftover piece of CPK pizza (chicken and garlic - yum), I'm reflecting on my week...not I that I actually have too much to reflect on. This last week went by so quickly, and I actually am not too sure where my time went ;-)

I spent a couple of hours writing a reflection paper about my internship - and quite a few hours procrastinating writing the paper. I reflected on what I've learned since beginning my internship - mostly not really the tasks I've learned to do, but how my internship has changed my thinking. I've thought a lot about my career since coming to Washington - it's not really something that one can avoid here, where the world's highest concentration of power hungry people reside ;-) Although I'm still not really sure where a career fits in among my major life goals, it appears that at this point it's something I should figure out. I'm looking into development and public programs options at the museum...I think it's something that I'm really interested in. We'll see, I guess. I keep trying to remind myself that I have a while before I graduate...

I'm also working on my DREAM Act paper - which is AGGGGGH! I hope it turns out better than I think it will. I've put so much time and effort into the paper, but I just can't seem to pull it all together like I want to. I'm gonna have to work pretty hard this week to turn in something that I like...

So besides working, working, working, not to much is going on in the district right now...besides of course, the ever present pizookie baking party. If you've never had a pizookie, I would recommend that you figure out what it is and put it in your mouth. It's amazing...and it's making me fat. lol.