Friday, September 14, 2007

I've never been good at journaling...

I've never really been a good journaler, and apparently I'm not that great of a blogger either. Wonderful.

I find myself ensconced in the middle of Washington DC and also in the middle of a paper. I know, already. DC has been an insane whirlwind so far. I've had precious little time to reflect, and at this point, that may be a good thing. Although I love DC, I thoroughly miss home and all that stayed there when I left. It's hard to feel like life goes on without you, you know?

However, DC has been a completely surreal experience. Everyday when I get off the metro to go to work (I know, I take the bus and the metro - no cars. Crazy.) I glide up the escalator to find the Capitol building on my right and the Washington Monument on my left. Honestly, I'm still a little stunned by it. Going into my museum is also fairly surreal. Since the museum is closed, I go in through the parking garage and flash my id to get in. As creepy as this is, I walk through this darkened exhibit to get the the elevator. It's called America On The Move and it's all about transportation. So I walk by full-size semi-trucks, locomotive engines, buses and other creepy things that are all covered in plastic to protect them during renovation. There are also all these creepy manequins in there as well. It doesn't sound so bad, but I walk through there pretty quickly ;-)

Work is great; experiencing museum work first-hand is pretty fun ;-) I have a lot of administrative duties, but my boss is wonderful and really wants me to have fun. I've already seen a lot of cool things - plus, I get into the IMAX for free, lol. The other day, I was on an elevator with my boss, and this lady walked in with two pairs of shoes on her cart. Turns out, one was Hilary Clinton's and one was Mamie Eisenhower's. Nice. I was pretty excited.

I have to get back to my real work - the paper I'm working on about government funding and the arts. It's not as great as my internship, but I guess we all have to work sometimes, right? ;-)

1 comment:

emily said...

Hey you!
I am so happy you have a blog!
It sounds like you are having a great time in Washington, why didn't you steal Hillary's shoes?
Can't wait to hear many more stories